

Entries from 2022-01-01 to 1 year


ロサンゼルスの地下鉄の構内のスターバックス。 中に入るのにアプリで注文する必要がある。 座席はない。 テイクアウトのみは、スタバとしては、 生産性が高く儲けが出てよいだろう。 地下鉄から地上へ。 目立つ地下鉄の案内がないから、帰り困らないように…


Q どうして日本はコロナの入国制限を続けているのだろうか? 政治家が外国人の入国を嫌がっているからだ。外国人が入国すると、コロナの感染者数があがる。コロナの感染者数が増えると、政権の支持率が下がる。なぜ下がるのか。国民の中でも数の多い高齢者が…

Making sentences in English10

Kebin, the mother of the twins, is my friend. We have never seen someone so talented. I haven't seen anybody matching that description. Maron,the familiy dog, protected the young boy.

Making sentences in English10

I took this photo using my smart phone. She spent all morning sleeping. Are you kidding me? I worked all day making cookies. So eat up. I'm happy being with you. Are you sartisfied working in an office. He grew up to be a futher of five. W…

Making sentences in English9

She can't eat stake, as she's a vegitalian. The trains stopped because of an accident. I'll do this paperworks since you're too busy to do it. I love you because you treat me kindly. We can't hire you because you don't have a visa. Luna sm…






歯医者で詰め物をすることになった。銀歯か樹脂の詰め物か。 今回は銀の詰め物にすることにした。 銀歯は耐久性があるからだ。以前樹脂製の詰め物にした時には入れてから約3か月で欠けてしまった。樹脂なので強くかむ力で削れてしまうようだ。自分にはその…

Making sentences in English9

There're seven people waiting to use this computer. Hey, look. There's Adamu. Hey, Adamu. There's lipstick on your collor. There is a cat in shoolyard. We couldn't play rugby. There weren't enough players. He promised me he broke up with h…

Making sentences in English8

Are you listening? We're considering our options. We need more time. Excuse me, but I am looking for Mr.Andarson. Is he around? I'm moving to frorida tonight. I am waking up at 5 a.m. tomorrow. The day care is taking application for new ch…

Making sentences in English8

English is spoken in many countries. This song is loved all over the world. The olympic stadium was completed in 2019. The opening match was held last week. I was surpurised at the news. The photo was taken by a proffesional. This video wa…

Making sentences in English7

Remenber to bring your wallet. Do you remember going to Ginza last year. He tried to talk to her, but she just walked away. Have you tried turning the power on and off? That might fix it. Hey, Steve. Your phone is ringing. Hey, are you lis…

Making sentences in English7

Where you were born dosen't matter to me. What you say makes a difference. Choose words widly. Whther we agree or not isn't important. We have to work together. That you continue to improve gives me hope. That you passed the test was a str…

Making sentences in English6

My parents are making me take piano lessons. The comany made you work on Staturdays. After the meeting, our boss let us go home. I'll let you know about my plane when I decide. Let me know if you can come to my birthday party. He had a ser…

Making sentences in English5

The shop charged me $2 to use the toilet. Unbelivable. The mistake costs me my job. It took two hours to get to work this morning. It took me a lifetime to forgive her. Just call me Ken. My hosband called me lazy. Unbelivable. Plese have y…


今回のブログはスマートフォンから書いています。 えっそんな長文打つの大変じゃないのという声も聞こえてきます。 だけどそれが大変ではないのです。 どうしてかというと、キーボードで打っているから。 スマホに無線で接続して使うことができるキーボード…

Making sentences in English4

I go. I move. He walks. I ariived Tokyo. Some dogs are big. He was a student. She looks happy. Tom give me a cookie. She have taught students English. You call me Tetu. The news made them sad. You should take it easy. I am as tall as Kaoru…

Making sentences in English3

I watched the drama of HULL HOUSE. It's good for learing Engulish because people in the drama speak more slowly than in the other dramas. A girl is very pretty. Her behaviors make me laughed.

Making sentences in English2

I went to a coffee shop to sutdy Englsh. I cooked my breakfast in the morning. It's a bowl of rice, pork and an egg. It tasted great. It's sunny today. It will be hot. A few people walked their dogs in the moring. Each one with own dogs go…

Making sentences in English

A man with blue T-shrit is walking along a super market. Trees looked around me have yellow leaves. They turn out red in fall. I am staying a coffee shop studying English. I am to take an English lesson at 1:30 p.m. A women are running for…


I will go to America next month. I want to see Grund Cannyon. When I was a univercity student, our English teacher told us that Grund Cannyon was so excited. I storongly remember that. How is feeling if I see Grund Cannyon. I am looking fo…


I waked up at 7 in the morning. I ran around a park near my home. I catched a insect when I was running. It was dying. After running, I took a shower to be reflesh. And then, I had my breakfast. I ate a banana, a cup of yogguruto, and a pe…


英語の学習参考書はたくさんある。 その中でどれが自分にあっているかなんてわからない。 著名な人の書いたものをすごいと思うかもしれない。 ただそれがそこまで覚えなくていいことをたくさん書いていたり、 意識のもっていきかたなんてのを考える前の人に…


<はじめに> ITPARKに滞在したけれど、ご飯どうしよう? マクドナルドやジョリビーに、中国系のチェーン店、どれもこれも油多いし、野菜もほとんどとれない。 かといって、ローカルの人が利用する店に入るのもちょっと。。 そんな人におすすめのご飯…


本日久しぶりに投稿しました。 長らく投稿していないと、投稿するのが億劫になります。 長文書こうとすると大変だから辞めておこうかなとなってしまいます。 そうならないように、今日は短めで。 毎日投稿していくことを続けていければと思います。

Which is hotter ?

It's too hot today in Japan. I wii stay in cool areas. But,I will go to south east asia next time. Which is hotter, Japan or south asia ? South asia is hotter. Because south asia is always hot, but Japan is hot only in summer.


大谷翔平はアメリカメジャーリーグの日本人プロ野球選手です。 彼はメジャーリーグでピッチャーとバッター両方で試合に出ています。 このことはメジャーリーグではとてもめずらしいことです。 しかも、彼はその両方ともで、すばらしい成績を残しています。 …


みなさん、こんにちは。今日は納豆についてお話します。 納豆は大豆を発酵させて作られる食べ物です。 小豆ぐらいの小さな大豆を200粒ぐらいで固めて、プラスチックの容器に入れて売られています。色は茶色で、ねばねばしています。かきまぜてしょうゆを…




水を大切にして環境にやさしい学校へ 1.提案のきっかけ ある新聞記事によると、今年は雨の降る量が少なく、私の住む町は水不足になっているようだ。昨年と同じように水を使い続けると、1か月後には水を供給できなくなってしまうようだ。それを防ぐために私…